tisdag, april 26, 2011

Alphabet Poem by Cassie

A - Alex (best brother ever!)
B - Beach & Butterflies
C - Cassidy (my "real" name, Cassie is just my nickname)
D - Dancing
E - Elephants
F - Finn (one of my best friends)
G - Glitter
H - Holidays
I - Ice cream
J - Joanne & Janie
K - Kit-Kats
L - Lemon Lime soda
M - Maxine & Martin
N - Nora (Mom)
O - Orangutans
P - Pretty outfits
Q - Quests
R - Ricky
S - Singing
T- Tickling ( we always tickle Alex... very nice, huh? *LOL* ;-) )
U - Urchin (sea urchin)
V - Velociraptor (dinosaurs are cool)
W - Waterfalls
X - X-Files (cool show, but Alex has to sit with me - I'm too much of a chicken to watch it on my own...)
Y - Yesterday (Beatles song)
Z - Zoo

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