torsdag, april 14, 2011

Alfabets-dikt - av Maxine

A - Alex
B - Beach
C - Cassie
D - Dreams
E - Emily (My middle name)
F - ("Uncle") Frederick "Freddie" (Jo's brother)
G - Golden Mountains
H - Holly
I - Ice cream
J - Joanne & Janie (Mama & sis)
K - Kit-Kat :P
L - Logan (My middle name, used to be my "real" last name)
M - Martin (Daddy)
N - Nora
O - Oz
P - Pizza
Q - Questions
R - Ricky
S - September (My birthday: Sept. 25 ;-))
T- Travel
V - Visions
W - Walkabout
X - X marks the spot
Y - Young & restless (= me *lol*)
Z - Zoo

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