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Visar inlägg med etikett song_lyrics. Visa alla inlägg

fredag, mars 30, 2012

Dragon Fighter

written by
Neil Spencer

For Alex

Alone he stands
in the raging wind.
A sword is his only friend.

He is just a tiny little boy.
But he is brave.
He is strong.

He wants to fight
against injustice and evil
in this world.

He screams into the wind:
’Mean dragons, come on!
I ain't scared of you.
'cause I am the
Dragon fighter!’


torsdag, mars 29, 2012


written by Maxine Clarke

When we're together
my heart is happy
When we're together
the sun is shining

But without you
the sky is cloudy
When we're apart
I miss you

My heart is crying
Patch it up
with love and stickers

When we're together
I just wanna
hug and kiss you

And I wanna be

fredag, augusti 12, 2011

Skrivpuff - 12 augusti 2011

Skriv om gemenskap.

Sommaren 2001

Maxine stod utanför motellet och såg längtansfullt på poolen och barnen som lekte och plaskade.
"Mamma!" ropade hon in till Audrey. "Får jag gå till poolen?"
Audrey kikade ut genom den öppna dörren.
"Inte nu Maxine, vi ska snart åka och spela. Vill du bära min gitarr till bilen?"
Maxine skakade på huvudet.
"Näää... jag vill leka i poolen med de andra barnen."
"Det går inte Maxie." sa Audrey och klappade sin lilla dotter på kinden. "Vi ska ju ut på turné nu."

Maxine putade besviket med munnen.
"Men imorgon ska vi bo på ett stort hotell." sa Audrey. "Där har de pool, lek- och spelrum och massor med annat skoj."
Maxine sparkade till mamma Audreys resväska.
"Jag vill inte åka runt hela tiden! Jag vill åka hem och leka med Alex och Janie. Jag saknar dom... och jag saknar mamma Jo och pappa Martin..."

Audrey klappade flickan på kinden igen.
"Du Maxine, ikväll kan du väl sjunga den där lilla sången du skrivit? Den är så söt."
"Vi får se." sa Maxine truligt. "Förresten är jag hungrig. Jag vill ha lunch."
Audrey gav Maxine en stor påse M&M's.
"Du får äta de här så länge. Vi kanske hinner äta en hamburgare eller nåt på vägen till spelningen."

Maxine satt utanför motellrummet och åt några av de färgglada godisarna.
Och hon kände sig som den mest ensamma flickan i hela världen.
Sorgsen övade hon lite på sin sång, som hon döpt till Togetherness.

When we're together
my heart is happy

When we're together
the sun is shining

But without you
the sky is cloudy

When we're apart
I miss you
My heart is crying
Patch it up
with love and stickers

When we're together
I just wanna hug and kiss you

And I wanna be

˚ •* ˚ ˚˚ ˛* ˛° * ° ˚ • *˚ .
*˛˚ •˚ ˚ Love & kisses from Maxine ˚ *
˚. *˛ ˚* ˚ ˚* ˛˚ ˚* ˚ ˚ •*

onsdag, mars 10, 2010

Scream [In Your Face] !

Everytime someone
trash talks me
Everytime someone
hurts the ones I love
Everytime I hear
judgemental words
I just wanna scream & shout!
Don’t talk about things
you don’t know shit about!
Don’t judge
Don’t sneer
Don’t frown
Don’t yell hurtful words
It won’t help
Nothing will change
I will still be me
I will never change just ’cause
I get a weird look from you!
It just makes me wanna
scream & shout in your face!
I am me
Hyper, happy, odd
Loud, proud & free
And that’s who
I’m always gonna be!

// <3 Ashlee

Never Judge A Person By the Cover

Never judge a person by the cover
’cause you never know
how the person feels on the inside

You gotta understand that we’re all different
We can’t be the same as ev’rybody else
That would be quite boring
Don’t ya agree?

Some of us are tall
Some of us are short
Big or small
Stout or skinny
Some of us have
Curly, straight, long or short hair
Honey blonde, black or red
Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes
We all have different skin tones
Some have freckles on their nose
Or maybe funny toes

But none of that should matter!
We all look the same on the inside!
So don’t stop and stare
Don’t point and laugh
‘cause as human beings
we have feelings,
don’t you know?
Remember: Looks and words
can hurt more than a rose thorn

So don’t stop and stare
Don’t point and laugh

And never, ever
judge a person by the cover
’cause you never know
how the person feel
on the inside

Written by: Ashlee & Elle

måndag, mars 08, 2010

Star Compatibility (Scorpio & Capricorn)

We are Scorpio & Capricorn
We may be pretty different
Water & Earth
Hot tempered & introvert
Complicated & naive
But yet we keep each other
grounded, safe & secure.

You bring your
Capricorn charm
into my life
And you make me feel
confident and strong.
That can’t be wrong...!

Scorpio & Capricorn
- me & you!
That’s gotta be
the greatest
star compatibility!

// <3 Ashlee

Lost In Wonderland

I open my eyes and see
all the beauty in the world
Dragonfly on a leaf
Stars in a velvet sky
Flowers in the meadow
Sunshine diamonds on the water
Happy colors everywhere

I twirl around
In a spinning
upside down world
In my happy Wonderland.

Sometimes I get lost
But I’m not scared.
Wonderland is a place
where dreams come true
It’s a place where I can be me
No one judges or says
I do things wrong

I dare to be loud
I dare to be quiet
I dare to be happy
I dare to be sad
I can be down
without getting a frown
from people around me
'cause in my Wonderland
everybody cares, comforts
and shares their happy feelings

I love my Wonderland
I wanna share my happy,
happy world with you
So take my hand,
come with me,
and we’ll make it
our happy Wonderland!

// <3 Ashlee